Most of us know (or at least recognize) the familiar 1 Corinthians 13 passage:
Yet, do we ever stop to think what that love would look like in action? What would it look like to love, really love, as Christ loves us?
In the book of Matthew, we find a passage where the Pharisees overheard Jesus talking to the Sadducees about the law of Moses and decided to question Him as to what He considered to be the greatest commandment. You know what He told them?
It sounds simple, right? Love others as God loves us.
Yet, while it’s such a simple command, it can be easy to get stuck in the “good Christian” mindset. You know what I mean. The mindset that says, “Of course I’m a good Christian. I go to church every Sunday, I help out with the kids in youth group, I read my Bible every day. I post verses as my Facebook status.”
Those are all good things, don’t get me wrong, but the danger is when our heart isn’t fully in it and we start mindlessly going through the motions each day.
Kind of reminds me of the story of the rich young ruler. This guy had strictly followed the commandments, given a part of his earnings to the religious leaders and done everything that was required to be a follower of Christ… or had he?
Living a life for God should be about sharing the love that He so generously gives to us… and that can be a lot harder than it sounds. We can become so caught up in what others think or trying to get it right, that we forget to include the most important thing..
Each of us are gifted with different talents that we’re to use for the glory of God. Some are good with talking, others are better at listening and still others are better at hands-on/helping type of love.
I like how Paul puts it in 1 Corinthians 12:4-6:
Each of us are given certain talents to use for the glory of God and we’re all given a unique purpose for our lives, but there is only one command that overrides everything else: “love.”
That’s it. And the thing is, it doesn’t have to be anything huge. It can be as simple as…
…a kind look.
…a helping hand.
….taking the time to listen to someone or just be there for them when they needed a shoulder to lean on.