Many times we have trouble fully grasping the potential we have as sons and daughters of the Most High God. If you haven’t been taught about what it means to stand firm in your identity and to operate in the Spirit on a daily basis, then coming to a complete understanding of who we are in Christ can be a tough step to take.
Let’s start by reading the first part of Colossians 1:21, where we see a brief description of who we were before accepting Christ :
“And you, who one were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works,”
Not a pretty picture, right? But thankfully doesn’t stop there. Let’s read the rest of the verse:
“…yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death,
to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight.“
So, what does this mean for us as followers of Christ?
Well, for one thing, we don’t have to give in to the lies that the devil keeps whispering in our ear. As Dan Mohler said in his “School of Kingdom Living” series, “Don’t take to heart what the devil is throwing at you, for you’ve already been delivered.” The minute you decided to believe in Christ, your old, sinful self died and you took on a new identity (Christ’s). This means that you’re “above reproach” in God’s eyes, so whenever the devil tries his tricks, all you have to do is stand firm in the reality of your identity and turn your focus toward heaven.
I’m not saying it’s easy the first time, but the more you practice praising Jesus and thanking Him amidst your low points, the easier it gets to focus on Him and not the situation.
The next part of understanding what it means to be “holy, blameless and above reproach” is to operate in our “righteous identity through godly reality” (Dan Mohler). Since we are completely made new in Christ, we have ability to see the world through His eyes and make a difference. All we have to do is ask Him to show us. By opening your heart and mind to what the Spirit has to say or listening to those nudges to pray for people, you’re starting to take a step toward operating within the spiritual realm.
What it really all comes down to is knowing who you are in Christ. Don’t give into the lies; stand firm in the reality that you are a “new creation,” “holy, blameless and above reproach!”
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